Should you avoid being boring?

Are you over the age of 30? Whatever your personal socio-economic demographics is, you might have started noticing articles that present long lists of symptoms related to being a boring adult of a certain age.

Lean 30: Making Friends in the Pre-School Years

If you’re a parent of a young child, and you’re struggling to provide support for this process of making friends and socializing, take comfort in knowing that the awkward struggles are a common occurrence in the pre-school and early years.  You are not alone. 

X Marks the Spot

Every day you will see an article in print or online about how Millennials and Generation Z are making contributions to the workforce after the core Baby Boomer years. What is missing in these conversations is discussion about the talents, challenges and aspirations of the generation of workplace employees following Boomers – the Generation X cohort who were born from the mid 1960s until 1980.