The moment we first saw the Barefoot Books catalogue, we fell in love with the selection of beautifully illustrated books from around the world, and related items that support the literacy experience of children. If you are committed to exploring multicultural ideas with the children in your life, you will want to check out the authors and illustrators supported by the staff at Barefoot Books. We have added Barefoot Books to our merchandise programme and will be sharing information about their books and products on our site. You can see a related profile page when you click on the banner in the sidebar on our homepage. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to help you.
Here is some insight into the inspiration behind the establishment of this book company, in the words of the people at Barefoot Books.
Barefoot Books:
* celebrates art and story that opens the hearts and minds of children from all walks of life;
* inspires children to read deeper, search further, and explore their own creative gifts;
* uses inspiration from many different cultures and focuses on on themes that encourage independence of spirit, enthusiasm for learning, and sharing of the world’s diversity; and,
* presents interactive, playful and beautiful products that combine the best of the present with the best of the past to educate our children as the caretakers of tomorrow.
With this kind of mandate it is no wonder that we instantly fell in love with Barefoot Books. We think you will too!
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