It is final days for the Better Together/Project CHEF cooking contest. If you’re up for a challenge today, why not make a video with your child, or a child you know, featuring a favourite, healthy family recipe? Two generations must be featured in the video, but the people featured do not need to be related.
We were curious about the contest and Project CHEF so we contacted Chef Barbara Finley to find out more about these initiatives. Chef Finley has been selected to be one of the judges for the contest and shared the following insights:
As judges we are looking for families who look to be really enjoying the cooking process together. Cooking should be all about families having fun in the kitchen and connecting with the food and each other. The contest is not to judge technical skill, rather to look for videos that capture a special moment in the kitchen. I am the director of a not-for-profit society, Project CHEF Education Society. Our program, Project CHEF: Cook Healthy Edible Food teaches children and families knowledge and skills about healthy foods. Our goal is to enable children to make wholesome, nutritious meals for themselves, believing that if the children make healthier food, they will eat healthier food.
We have taught the program to over 2000 children in Vancouver since 2008 and the results we have seen are quite remarkable. You asked what my inspiration for the school program is. Certainly, it is seeing groups of happy children enjoying the process of cooking from start to finish and then sitting around a table eating (and loving) their healthy creations. I hope that there will be some last minute submissions to the contest as well!
The contest is being run by the
Better Together BC website, which is operated by the BC Dairy Foundation and BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport.
What do you think about this topic? You may leave us a comment using the comment function below or by visiting our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!
Check out the Better Together BC website for fun ideas about cooking with your children. The website includes a Make Your Own Cookbook application and tips about planning, shopping, cooking, eating and cleaning. Various resources and an opportunity to share your experiences are also included on the website.
Hands-on Cook-off contest information
Information about making a video. Check out the sample video for inspiration.
The Project Chef website features information about how this non-profit programme partners with the Vancouver School Board to teach children about wholesome food.
The You Can Cook cookbook by Annabel Karmel is a gorgeous, well illustrated cookbook featuring healthy and fun recipes for children to try.