Tell us about yourself and how you became interested in your craft?
I was blessed to have a very special and exciting childhood. My family lived overseas while I was growing up. We lived in both Milan, Italy and Tokyo Japan for about ten years. On top of that, we had the opportunity to travel extensively around the world. I think this experience really gave me a unique perspective on different cultures and their handiwork.
I also had a very influential person in my life who was extremely talented in sewing, needle arts and yarn arts. My grandma Doris. She taught me everything – knitting, crocheting and the sewing machine. She sewed clothes for my dolls, nightgowns for me, dresses for herself.
I have always had the need to work with my hands and have never known a time where I haven’t been ‘creating’ – whether decorating our house, building a garden, or painting furniture. My jump into crafting as a business full time came after the birth of my two daughters. When they both began school full time, I knew I wanted to stay home, but needed to do something for myself. After a little digging, I found out that I was pretty good at putting fun things together for my girls… I thought why not?
What kinds of crafts do you create and what types of techniques and materials do you use?
I love challenging materials – fabrics with texture. I use a lot of tulle, upholstery materials and heavy duty oil cloths.
Where do you find inspiration for your designs?
I find inspiration everywhere. I have 4 or 5 ‘idea books’ that I refer to when I get in a slump and need a little inspiration. They are scrap books, in essence, where I’ve pasted articles, photos, newspaper clippings, calendar art…etc. Additionally I get a lot of inspiration from my travels. My husband and I love to travel when we can. Last year we were in India and next on our list is Morocco. How can you NOT get inspired?
Are you inspired by any well known arts and crafts specialists?
Not particularly… I really feel inspiration can come from anywhere.
Do you have any new directions regarding design, methods or materials that you hope to explore?
Always. I have a friend that has a commercial grade embroidery machine. I think that would be a fun toy to use for experiments. I have also been using a lot of felt recently – both acrylic and wool. It’s so versatile and great for kids.
How has your experience been showing your designs on Etsy?
I love ETSY! It’s afforded me the chance to check off one of my goals on my ‘life list’. It really is a source of pride for me… affordable, good looking, linkable and accessible.
Do you have any favourite artisans showing on Etsy or other sites?
I love I don’t think she’s on Etsy but she’s what I would eventually like to morph into. She’s got it all and done it all!
Where are your pieces listed on the Internet? Do you have a blog or maintain another website?
Outside of Etsy, I have a website and a blog
Do you have a favourite quote that you would like to share with our readers?
Imagination is more important than knowledge.”-Albert Einstein
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