If you are hoping to improve the likelihood that your name will make an interview shortlist, you will want to present a strong and detailed resume that shows how you have both the essential and additional educational and work experience required for a job position.
Did you know that University programmes and courses are available for free to Canadians over a certain age? If you’ve never had a chance to attend university, and you’re age 55 and older (or in most cases 60 or 65 and older), this could an opportunity worth pursuing.
In 2.5 months, teens/tweens across BC will be set loose and left to their own devices to go out and about, and stay safe in broken post-worst of the pandemic communities, where these days there is a higher chance to encounter aggressive behaviour.
Have you ever read an article focussed on career advice and realized that there were no takeaway tips? In this article in Forbes magazine, Cindy Gallop (CEO and Founder of MakeLoveNotPorn) offers 11 surefire ways for women to increase your power and make a ton of money.
How are your at home – AKA Home Gym – efforts going these days? Have you returned to group exercising at your local community rec centre or gym? This has been an issue with which I have grappled for some time now, as Covid keeps on keeping on, the cost of living gets more expensive and my household budget gets even tighter than it already was pre Covid. Should I keep trying to become a home gym slayer or should I return to group classes at a local gym?
Developers of social media sites designed for women should engage with women who provide feedback about their site.
While you work outside of the home, work from home, are involved in unpaid labour, or change your career path, it’s up to you to look after your physical and mental well being. Here are my two favourite ways to keep the self care going, and keep me motivated and feeling confident.
Every time I see one of the striking Newfoundland tourism videos I think that I would love to Come From Away there! So I was very pleased to be given a copy of the late Gary Corcoran’s cookbook – featuring the cuisine of Newfoundland. The cookbook is a true labour of love.
Who cares about Valentine’s Day really? But the process of focussing on myself as someone who deserves special treatment and attention, and appreciation, still matters.
As the #KeeptheGrey hashtag builds up momentum online, following the unexplained and unwelcomed dismissal of CTV’s former anchor, Lisa LaFlamme, we need more conversations in person and online about how women over age 45 can be more visible in their professional and personal spaces.