Following in the footsteps of the Keats-Shelley Prize, Young Romantics is a new competition available for writers between ages 16 and 18 who would like to enter their poems and short stories. (Maximum 20 lines for poems and 1,000 words for short stories.) Each work should be inspired by the Romantic poets and refer to the theme this year – Lost Angels.
The two winners will be invited to a one week creative writing course. Winners and runners up will receive £100 book certificates and the winning poem will be published on the Keats Shelley Memorial Association website. The closing deadline is March 13, 2015.
For the first time students ages 16 – 18 can also enter a work in the essay section of the Keats-Shelley Prize. Essays should be a maximum of 1,500 words long and can refer to both the Romantics poets and their circle. The closing deadline is February 1, 2015.
Do you know a youth (friend/family member/student) who might be interested? Do pass this information along because the competitions are open to anyone living anywhere in the world.
More information about the competition and how to enter.
Information about the essay competition.